
Learn the Tools and Practices that Unlock Your Healing

Have you ever felt so stuck in your ways that no matter what you try, it seems that you’ll never get any closer to healing? There is some scientific truth behind that exhausting game you can’t seem to win. Your brain has been wired to understand and operate out of the trauma response you are stuck in. Yvonne Ashley, with Mind And Body Healing, offers educational sessions that will teach you how to rewire your brain through frequency healing. This service is available to people across the United States. 

Teenage Young Woman — Detroit, MI — Mind And Body Healing

Frequency Healing

What Is a Frequency Healing Education Session? 

This class is a two-part course that will teach you the science and reason behind frequency healing as well as provide you with frequency healing sessions. Frequency healing is a technique that uses sounds to rewire your brain. This technique will help you learn how to change your thoughts and get your brain out of the rut it has been stuck in. You will learn about how sound can change the way you feel and experience that firsthand during the sessions.

Frequency Healing Sessions

This course will be a group class that starts with the learning portion. Following your first session, you will typically need 5-7 healing sessions to rewire your brain.

Additional Educational Classes

Learning confidence

You need confidence in the healing practice because if you don’t believe you can find healing, then you’re right. Yvonne will lead a class that will equip you with the tools to start acting from a place of confidence again. These group sessions will get you stepping in the right direction to take ownership of your life and pursue avenues that bring you life, and life to the fullest.

Mid Adult Woman — Detroit, MI — Mind And Body Healing

Need more information? Call our team at 313-854-2279 and see how we can help.

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